Local & Area Attractions

Durgin Memorial Park
Guy Durgin donated the property to the city that we know as Durgin Memorial Park. Guy was the first Badger VFW Club manager and held that position for 29 years. Guy was a great promoter for Badger, he loved Badger and he loved his country. Guy served in World War II and was wounded while serving our country.
Camping Fee/Park
Roseau River Wildlife Management Area
218-463-1130 | 27952 400th St, Roseau, MN 56751
Located in NW Roseau County 8 miles North of Badger
Year round primitive camping
62,000 acre area with several thousand acres of other public land adjoining. The unit is low and flat, part of the glacial Lake Agassiz lake plain. The Roseau River flows west for 14 miles through the unit. 3 impoundments totaling 10,600 acres have been constructed. these wetlands are managed for resident and migratory waterfowl, other wetland wildlife species, public hunting, and other recreational pursuits as well as flood control. There are 3 sanctuaries totaling 7000 acres which provide feed, resting, and breading areas. This WMA is uniquely large & diverse. It is home to bird rarities such as Horned Grebes, Yellow Rails, Western Grebes, Sandhill Cranes, Black Terns, and nesting Bald Eagles. Hunting, fishing and birdwatching are popular pursuits on the WMA.

Main Street Park
Main Street Park is located at the intersection of North Main Street and University Avenue. Main Street Park was partially funded with a Hartz Foundation Grant.

Veteran's Memorial Park
Veteran’s Memorial Park is located at the intersection of Highway 11 and University Avenue(County Road 2).
Veteran’s Memorial Park is a work in progress and the Veteran’s Memorial Park Committee, appointed by the city council, as well as other volunteers have put in numerous hours working on this Memorial Park area.